Clownfish, the colorful and spirited inhabitants of coral reefs, have fascinated divers and marine enthusiasts for years. Their symbiotic relationship with sea anemones and social dynamics make them a compelling species to observe. If you’re an avid diver keen on meeting these underwater celebrities, you’re in luck. We’ve compiled a list of top dive sites around the world where you’re almost guaranteed to have an encounter with various species of clownfish.

Raja Ampat, Indonesia

Located in Indonesia’s Coral Triangle, Raja Ampat is home to the most biodiverse marine life on Earth. Expect to see a variety of clownfish species including the vibrant Tomato Clownfish and Skunk Clownfish mingling amidst the sea anemones. The best dive sites here are Cape Kri and Manta Sandy.

The Great Barrier Reef, Australia

No list would be complete without this iconic diving destination. Known for its sprawling coral reefs, Australia’s Great Barrier Reef offers dive spots like the Ribbon Reefs and Osprey Reef where you’ll find both Common Clownfish and Clark’s Clownfish in abundance.

Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park, Philippines

A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Tubbataha in the Sulu Sea offers a pristine underwater environment. With limited access and a short diving season, this spot is for the serious enthusiast. Keep an eye out for the Saddleback Clownfish among the vivid corals.

Komodo Island, Indonesia

Known mostly for its dragons, Komodo Island also offers spectacular diving. Sites like Batu Bolong and Manta Point offer dramatic underwater landscapes where you can spot various species of clownfish, including the Pink Skunk Clownfish, along with a plethora of other marine life.

Marsa Alam, Red Sea, Egypt

The Red Sea has been a diver’s paradise for decades, and Marsa Alam is one of its gems. Dive sites like Elphinstone Reef and Dolphin House offer opportunities to observe the Red Sea Anemonefish, a clownfish species endemic to the region.


In the crystal-clear waters of the Maldives, clownfish are a frequent sight. At dive sites like Maaya Thila and Fish Head, you’ll find the Maldivian Clownfish swimming in and out of their anemone homes, providing ample photo opportunities.

Whether you’re a casual diver or a marine biologist, these dive sites offer some of the best opportunities to observe clownfish in their natural habitats. Each location not only guarantees a rendezvous with these fascinating fish but also exposes you to a stunning array of marine biodiversity. So gear up, dive in, and get ready to be mesmerized by the incredible world of clownfish.